
Information Block

Let us assist you in launching a profitable temporary staffing firm. Depending on your abilities, knowledge of the business, industry and control over resources, starting and maintaining your own healthcare agency can be either an easy or a difficult endeavour.

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Company Registration


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Government Regulations

Get all the professional assistance at PLUS Recruitment Limited to launch your own successful care agency company in an economic downturn period that supplies crucial services to the aged care sector, where demand is outpacing supply.

With a tested model, you will be able to launch and run your own company, increasing your chances of success in this lucrative sector.We have a thorough understanding of the requirements for registering a Health care agency business, as well as the policies, procedures, website setup, business management procedures, and marketing tactics for attracting your first customer. 

Contact Plus Recruitment for all of your needs related to setting up a healthcare agency. We have experience assisting clients in obtaining contracts at the Borough, private, and public (NHS) levels. We offer you advice and knowledge about how to manage a successful agency without suffering from major headaches.

Why select PLUS Recruitment to assist you in starting your agency business?

Learning to win is a choice. And more so choosing the right partner to win is a much better decision.

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PLUS Care Givers
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